This week’s featured Q&A is with Jennifer Cavalancia, principal of Curtisville Primary Center in Deer Lakes School District.
What is something positive that you want others to know about your school?
Cavalancia: Curtisville Primary Center continuously provides a personalized learning community for our young learners focused on collaboration, communication, wellness, creativity, and empowered citizenship. Through the development of collaborative teams, we find success in the areas of school-wide PBIS implementation, social/emotional instructional routines, building level wellness initiatives, kindergarten transition planning, and full integration of RTII/MTSS data analysis and intervention planning.
What do you love about being a principal?
Cavalancia: I often say that I am lucky that I get to do this work each day. To have the opportunity to be directly involved with the growth/development of the individual children and to strive toward meeting their fullest potential is the greatest reward for me. I enjoy working closely with staff to maintain an environment where students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
In your opinion, what is the future of education?
Cavalancia: In my opinion, the future of education will continue to embrace personalized learning to enhance skill development while maintaining a focus on social-emotional development. We will work to strengthen critical thinking skills, collaborative efforts, and the ever-changing integration of technology.