Please join us for “Safety in Your District’s Digital Playground” on Wednesday, January 8 from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. This virtual Community of Practice meeting will feature Dr. Aaron Thomas, superintendent at Cornell School District, and Rocco Gasparro from Gaggle. Please use this link to join the virtual meeting. All districts are invited to attend. No registration is required.
Today’s digital world is a complex one. Find out how to tackle common online threats faced by students and the importance of early detection and intervention. Learn how Cornell School District is partnering with Gaggle to utilize tools and resources needed to monitor and protect students’ online interactions effectively.
This discussion aims to spark meaningful dialogue and inspire actionable steps towards creating safer and more resilient school communities. It is part of a series of conversations sponsored by Project SEEKS SES that focuses on issues and shared topics of interest that encompass social and emotional wellness and learning.
If you have questions or want to learn more about Project SEEKS SES, please contact Shannon Fagan at shannon.fagan@aiu3.net.