Community of Practice Discusses Restorative Practices

On February 5, Project SEEKS SES hosted a virtual community of practice on restorative practices. The event featured Dr. Licia Lentz from the Allegheny Intermediate Unit and Brandy Daye, principal at United Twin Rivers in McKeesport.

Restorative practices in schools are a set of principles and strategies designed to build community, resolve conflicts, and repair harm through inclusive and collaborative processes. These practices emphasize relationships, accountability, and the active involvement of all stakeholders in addressing issues.  

Restorative practices shift the focus from punitive discipline to creating a culture of accountability, respect, and support, which has been shown to reduce suspensions, improve student behavior, and enhance relationships within the school community.

Watch the full video of the community of practice meeting.

Download the PowerPoint presentation. And access the basic community circle template that was mentioned during the meeting.

Project SEEKS SES hosts monthly community of practice meetings — in conjunction with school districts and university partners — around shared topics of interest. Interested in helping lead a discussion or participating in the meeting? Please contact Project SEEKS SES coordinator Shannon Fagan at