Bullying Policy

The AIU's Board of Directors, herein referred to as the Board, recognizes the need to maintain a learning and working environment that is free from bullying. The Board prohibits any and all forms of bullying, including cyber-bullying, as it violates the basic right of students and staff to be in a safe, orderly learning environment.

It is a violation of this policy for a student to bully another while on AIU property (leased or owned), in school buildings, on school buses, including bus stops and routes of travel to and from the bus stops or school property or school-sponsored events and/or activities whether occurring on or off campus. This administrative procedure describes examples of various types of bullying.

Students are encouraged to report bullying to any AIU employee. Parents and guardians may contact the AIU to report bullying. The AIU will promptly and throoughly investigate reports of bullyings; retaliation for good-faith reports of bullying is prohibited. If it is determined that bullying has occurred, appropriate action will be taken to end the bullying.