Right-to-Know & Access to Public Records

The Allegheny Intermediate Unit Board of Directors, herein referred to as the Board, recognizes the importance of public records as the record of the acts of this Intermediate Unit and the repository of information about this Intermediate Unit. The public has the right, under law, to request, inspect and to obtain copies of such records, with certain exceptions and subject to the outlined procedures.

The Board shall make the public records of the Intermediate Unit and copies thereof, in accordance with these guidelines, available for inspection, with the exception of those records exempted from such inspection and copying by law and the rules of the Board of Directors.

The AIU processes requests for public records according to the Board's policy and an administrative procedure.

Contact Information for Requesting AIU Records

Open Records Officer
Allegheny Intermediate Unit

475 East Waterfront Drive
Homestead, PA 15120
Fax: 412-394-5706

AIU Open Records Officer

Joseph D. Shaulis, Esq., General Counsel

AIU Assistant Open Records Officer

Janet Breiding, Assistant Director of Human Resources

Right to Know Request Form

State Open Records Contact Information

When the AIU Open Records Officer denies a request for access, the requester may appeal to the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Office of Open Records
333 Market Street, 16th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2234
Fax: 717-425-5343
