Professional Growth
The Educational Support Services (ESS) department includes the K-12 English as a Second Language Program; Non-Public Schools Program; and Federal Programs, including Title I and Title III.
The ESS department supports a field staff of approximately 85 teachers and school counselors, offers training and professional development in these areas, and supports area school districts.
Federal Programs
Federal Programs Coordinator Services
Districts may contract for support with their Federal Programs responsibilities, including the eGrants consolidated application, monthly and annual reporting requirements, and compliance procedures.
Title I Non-Public Services
The AIU Non-Public Schools Program offers comprehensive Title I services. School districts may contract with the AIU to provide Title I non-public school services that meet all federal requirements.
Title III Consortium Services
Through the K–12 ESL Title III Consortium, participating districts receive professional development, technology, and supplemental materials to support English language learners. School administrators in Title III-served school districts who oversee the ESL program participate in a role-alike group that meets quarterly. These meetings provide technical training, updates and information from PDE, guidance on best practices and legal requirements, and ongoing support for ESL administrators.
Helping school districts build the bridge that connects students' new language acquisition skills in English to what they bring culturally and linguistically from their homelands
Effective and efficient support services for non-public school students and their families
Contact Us
For more information about these programs and services, please contact:
Dr. Kelly A. Noyes
Program Director of Educational Support Services
K-12 ESL, Non-Public Schools Program, and Federal Programs