Finance & Business Operations

Finance TeamThe Finance and Business Operations Division provides a variety of comprehensive back-office services to the AIU’s 130+ programs and member school districts through our shared services initiative.

In our dynamic, ever-changing society, disruption has become the norm. Personnel needs and requirements in every business have become more complex. To adapt quickly, school district administrators must have accurate, up-to-date data at their fingertips. The AIU helps school leaders manage routine human resource activities while staying on top of the latest legal and policy developments.

In addition, the Finance and Business Operations Division also oversees the AIU’s Access Program as well as several joint purchasing consortia which save schools millions of dollars every year in energy, fuel and paper purchases.

Access Program

The AIU provides School-Based Access Program management services to school districts and charter schools. The AIU Access Program supports billing processes and compliance.

The Access Program is a means for school districts to gain partial reimbursement for health-related services for special education students who are eligible for Medicaid.

Implementation includes:

  • Student MA eligibility checks
  • Obtaining medical authorization for services
  • Student, provider, service and IEP data upload to EasyTrac
  • Maintenance of provider caseloads in EasyTrac
  • Submission of quarterly Staff Pool and Calendar to the Claiming System
  • Training materials for providers
  • Compliance monitoring and technical assistance with audits
  • Program updates and consultation to maximize reimbursement
  • 6-year record retention
  • Services are provided on a contracted basis.

For more information about the AIU Access Program, contact Kara Bonaroti at or 412-394-4527.

Joint Purchasing Program

The Joint Purchasing Program facilitates the purchase of energy, fuel, and paper products at the lowest prices.The program assists participants by preparing specifications, advertising, analyzing bids, conducting bid openings, evaluating samples, recommending bid awards, and notifying bidders.Every year, the Joint Purchasing Program saves school districts millions of dollars in the purchase of electricity, natural gas, gasoline, and diesel fuel.

For more information about the joint purchasing programs please contact Kim Enz at or 412-394-5784.