Professional Growth

The Math & Science Collaborative is an AIU program that brings innovative and effective approaches to build a cohesive K-12 STEM curriculum that meets the rigor of the PA Core. Through our contracted training services, we help educators across Allegheny County and surrounding regions implement high leverage practices in the classroom to prepare students for tomorrow's careers. We also provide mathematics and science curriculum audits and alignment services. We provide professional development in effective pedagogical practices that engage all students in rigorous STEM learning through developing teacher leadership, implementing professional learning communities, utilizing lesson study, and customized support in content and pedagogical content knowledge.
Established in 1994, the Math & Science Collaborative reaches out to more than 135 schools/districts in Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Lawrence, Mercer, Washington, and Westmoreland counties. The program is supported by intermediate unit funds, federal and state grants, and private foundations.
We are also the team behind a series of innovative interactive STEM learning tools known as Storytime STEM-Packs for students in Pre-K through second grade.
Michael Fierle, Program Director
Dr. Corinne Murawski, Science Coordinator/Mathematics
Michele Burgess, Mathematics Coordinator/Computer Science
Kristen Rice, Science Coordinator
Sam Shaneyfelt, Consultant
Contact Us
Michael Fierle can be reached at and 412-394-4628.
The Math and Science Collaborative is located in the Allegheny Intermediate Central Office:
475 East Waterfront Drive, Homestead, Pennsylvania.