PDE Initiatives

The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) provides a multiple comprehensive, research-based resources to school districts in order to improve student achievement. Whether the use of these tools is required by school code or identified and utilized by a school as an effective local resource, the Allegheny Intermediate Unit offers professional development critical to successful implementation. The AIU’s Teaching and Learning division can provide train-the-trainer sessions, consultations, and professional development tailored to a district needs. Contact brian.stamford@aiu3.net for more information.

PDE Resource and Systems for Improvement:

Comprehensive Planning – A framework for thoughtful data-driven and research-based district and school planning. Districts are required to submit a comprehensive plan every three years.

Educator Effectiveness – Pennsylvania's mandated educator evaluation system, incorporating critical components of training and professional growth.

Future Ready PA Index – A collection of school progress measures related to school and student success. The Index includes a range of assessment, on-track, and readiness indicators, to more accurately report student learning, growth and success in the classroom and beyond.

Keystone/PSSA – Federally-mandated Pennsylvania assessments for students in grades 3-8, as well as end-of-course assessments in Algebra, Biology and Literature.

PA Core Standards – Pennsylvania’s academic standards.

PVAAS – A lens of measuring student learning that provides educators with valuable information to ensure they are meeting the academic needs of their students.

SAS – A website hosted by PDE that serves as a one-stop-shop for PDE’s tools and resources available to schools.

Student Performance Measures – A method of collecting data required in the LEA Selected Measures component of Act 13 in Educator Evaluations.