Preschool Early Intervention

Schedule a free screening today! 412-394-5904

Serves eligible children in Allegheny County, ages 3-5, who are experiencing developmental delays or disabilities.

  • Free screenings/evaluations to identify your child's needs in communication, adaptive, cognitive, fine motor, gross motor, personal/social areas.
  • Free early intervention services, at no cost to parents.
  • Developmental, speech/language, occupational therapy, physical therapy, vision, hearing, and family services.
  • Highly qualified staff of special educators, therapists, and paraprofessionals.

Note: The AIU's Preschool Early Intervention Program was formerly known as the AIU DART Program and DART Early Intervention.


  • Children must be three to five years old and demonstrate a delay in developmental areas (communication, adaptive, cognitive, fine motor, gross motor, personal/social) on a standardized assessment.

Service Delivery

  • Services are provided in the least restrictive environment.
  • Itinerant services are provided in a child’s preschool, child care, Head Start classroom, Pre-K Counts classroom, or home.
  • Preschool special education classrooms are provided in school districts and community buildings.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students who are 18 years of age or older ("eligible students") certain rights with respect to the student's education records. Click the links below for more information.

Annual Public Notice