Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is involved in an initial screening?

An initial screening is a brief, informal checklist regarding your child and your concerns. This helps determine whether a more extensive evaluation or assessment is needed.

Q: What is the difference between an evaluation and an assessment?

An evaluation is used to determine if your child has a disability and whether your child is eligible for early intervention services.

An assessment is the process of gathering information about how your child is developing, and then determining what kind of help might be needed. This information may come from doctor's reports, results from developmental tests, and other important records.

Remember, you are the expert on your child and your input is very important.  It will be helpful if you plan ahead.

  • Be ready to share information that you think is important such as medical records or other evaluations.
  • Think about your child and any questions or concerns you have related to his or her development.
  • Think about which family members or child care providers might have valuable information.
  • Be prepared to inform the service coordinator if you need any interpreters or other assistance.

Q: What is an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)?

After an evaluation and assessment are completed, an Individualized Education Plan, known as an IEP, is created. An IEP describes the services your child will receive based on your child's individual needs. In addition to including measurable annual goals, an IEP will state information about services to be received, such as start date, length, and frequency.