Blind and Visually Impaired Support Program (BVISP)

A BVISP student and her teacher work together.The AIU's Blind and Visually Impaired Support Program (BVISP) provides specially-designed instruction to students whose visual impairment adversely affects their educational performance. Teaching activities, including orientation and mobility instruction, and Braille instruction, focus on the acquisition of specific competencies from the Expanded Core Curriculum including:

  • Compensatory or functional academic skills, including communication modes, orientation and mobility.
  • Social interaction skills.
  • Independent living skills.
  • Recreation and leisure skills.
  • Career education.
  • Use of assistive technology.
  • Visual efficiency skills.

These skills aid the student in compensating for vision loss. Specialized materials, technical assistance, technology support, assessment, acquisition and training in the use of assistive devices for the visually impaired are provided. This support enhances the student's opportunities for academic success in an inclusive educational program.

Specialized Services

The AIU BVISP offers a variety of specialized services to school districts. These services include:

  • Utilization of low vision.
  • Keyboarding and handwriting.
  • Listening skills.
  • Braille instruction.
  • Assistive technology.
  • Vocational planning.
  • Orientation and mobility.
  • Procurement and preparation of textbooks.
  • Other instructional materials in the appropriate medium.

Supervisors are available for consultations and to provide specialized professional development. All teachers of the visually impaired in the BVISP are certifiicated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the education of students with visual impairments. Professional development opportunities are provided, as well as student teaching opportunities.

Please contact 412-394-4538 or email Jeanine Esch for additional information.

Make a Referral for Vision Services

Determination of eligibility for vision services includes a referral from the student’s home school district or Local Educational Agency (LEA) and a comprehensive assessment by a multidisciplinary evaluation team. For more information, please contact us at 412-394-4538 or email Jeanine Esch.