Occupational/Physical Therapy Support Program

The AIU offers occupational therapy and physical therapy services to school districts. The primary goal of the related service is to ensure that students are able to access their educational curriculum and environment. Therapists promote access by helping students attain optimal occupational and/or physical performance in their student roles. This is done through therapeutic intervention as well as collaboration with the IEP team. The AIU’s licensed occupational and physical therapists work within the school setting, and services are related in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The AIU also offers occupational and physical therapy screenings and consultation for regular education students in accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act. Small and large group in-service presentations are available to districts in the topic areas of transfers and mobility, fine motor techniques and sensory integration.

When referring a child for services, the following forms should be completed and submitted:

Email or fax forms to Natalie Krall or 412-394-4978.

OT/PT Specialized Programs

The success of your students is our top priority. Falling behind early on in their educational journey can have a lasting effect. In order to prepare your children for a lifetime of learning, the AIU OT/PT division has developed two unique and engaging programs that ensure your students are developing properly or receiving needed support.

Adapted Recreational Educational Consultant

The AIU offers the services of an adapted recreational educational consultant, who can help coordinate an adapted physical educational program. The consultant is responsible for developing and promoting a safe, fun and exciting recreational educational program for staff and students.