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Special Education Liaison Meeting

Virtual Event Virtual Event

March's Special Education Liaison Meeting is Virtual Only. Link to Online Meeting can be found below.

Teachers + Pre-Service Teachers Learning Together: EdTech Gadgets

Point Park University 201 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Experience the excitement of learning educational technology side-by-side with future educatorsDescriptionLearn how to use STEAM-related gadgets, such as Spheros and MakeyMakeys, in any content area alongside Point Park University undergraduate […]

Special Education Liaisons-New Directors Meeting

Virtual Event Hybrid Event

The New Directors Meetings are a follow up to the morning’s Special Education Liaison Meeting to provide more detailed information and address topics that may be unfamiliar to liaisons new […]

Tech in World Language: Teacher Convening

Allegheny Intermediate Unit, East Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA, USA 475 East Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA, United States

A unique opportunity for world language teachers to learn about tech tools and connect with one anotherDescriptionJoin us for this day of connecting and learning together.  A portion of this day […]

Lunch and Learn: aimswebPlus

aimswebPlus is a tool for teachers and educational teams in MTSS/RTI and special education contexts. aimswebPlus offers nationally-normed, skills-based benchmark assessments and progress monitoring integrated into one application across reading […]

Social Media’s Ripple Effect: Supporting Students in a Connected World

Allegheny Intermediate Unit, East Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA, USA 475 East Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA, United States

A team of researchers shares insights on social media's impact and strategies to help students navigate, report, and reduce harmful content.Descriptiono RECOGNIZE how students are being influenced. This workshop aims […]

Administrator-Focused Science Professional Learning

Allegheny Intermediate Unit, East Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA, USA 475 East Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA, United States

This administrator-focused PL offering was specifically designed to help leaders support shifts in science instruction towards PA STEELSWho: Any and all administrators (district or building) or explicitly defined science leaders […]

Follow-up for the Administrator-focused Science Professional Learning

Allegheny Intermediate Unit, East Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA, USA 475 East Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA, United States

This professional learning offering is a follow-up half-day to assist administrators with supporting science teachers' STEELS implementationWho: Any and all administrators (district or building) who have previously attended the Administrator-focused […]

Alternatives to Flip(grid) (Virtual)

Flip, formerly Flipgrid, has become trickier for Google for Edu schools to access. What are some alternatives?DescriptionFlip, formerly Flipgrid, is a powerful tool to capture student voice and visible thinking […]

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