Fatherhood Initiative

What We Offer

The AIU's Fatherhood Programs are designed to support fathers as they overcome parental and employment challenges. By providing fathers with new opportunities and experiences, our programs equip them to become more self-sufficient and nurturing. Simply put, we want fathers to be the best versions of themselves. We offer meetings where fathers and our facilitators can gather and grow together. If you would like to take part in a meeting, please call or email our program supervisor or one of our facilitators.

365 Dads

  • This program uses evidence-based curriculum to help fathers across many areas of their lives.
  • We also provide equitable access to resources for fathers, including basic necessities and referrals.
  • We support fathers and male caretakers of children from ages zero to five.

Men On A Mission

  • This group is for men who have moved on from the 365 Dads program.
  • Our goal is to keep fathers involved with our programming and, if possible, give them opportunities to nurture other fathers and male caretakers.
  • We support fathers of children over the age of five through this group.
  • This group meets monthly; please call or email for details.


Larry Klinger, Program Supervisor
Office: 412-394-5955
Cell: 412-477-4132
Email: larry.klinger@aiu3.net

Fatherhood Facilitators

Tyrone Fisher, 412-816-5137
Andre Gissendanner, 412-983 -8520
Dan Martin, 412-722-4532
Michael Smith, 412-771-6817


Web Resources