GED Exam Information

Need to take the GED exam?

Registration is simple. Simply sign up for MyGED at and you will get information about scheduling, local policies, and how to request modified testing conditions (accommodations). Select the Allegheny Intermediate Unit as your testing center.

GED Exam Information

The General Education Development (GED) test is offered in English & Spanish and is composed of four parts:

  • Science (90 minutes)
  • Social Studies (90 minutes)
  • Reasoning Through Language Arts (150 minutes including a 10-minute break)
  • Mathematical Reasoning (115 minutes)

An individual needs to earn at least 150 points in each subject to pass. To find out if you’re likely to pass, take GED Ready: The Official Practice Test. Sign into MyGED at to get ready with GED Ready.


In Pennsylvania the fee per subject is $30.00. You can pay as you go with the GED test. This means you can pay for each subject individually or when you are ready to test.

What do I need to bring the day of the test?

A current (not expired) photo identification card that also includes your signature and birthday, like a state ID or Driver’s License. If your ID is not from the state of Pennsylvania, you must provide proof of residency in Pennsylvania. Proof of residence documents include utility bills, or lease or mortgage paperwork that includes your name and address.

Please note: If you do not provide proper identification and/or proof of residency, you will NOT be admitted for testing.