Non-Public Schools Program

Act 89 Services for Non-Public Schools

The Non-Public Schools Program (Act 89) allocates state money to intermediate units to provide auxiliary services for non-public school students according to provisions set forth in the Pennsylvania Code, Title 22, Education, Chapter 112, Auxiliary Services for non-public school students. A non-public school means a non-profit school other than a public school wherein a resident of the Commonwealth may legally fulfill compulsory school attendance requirements.

Non-Public Schools Program Services

ACT 89 was instituted in 1974 by Pennsylvania's government to deliver additional support to students attending nonprofit non-public schools. The management of Act 89 programs is entrusted to intermediate units, which adhere to the guidelines and protocols set by the Department of Education and the Public School Code of Pennsylvania. The range of services provided is determined by the following factors:

  1. Existing offerings in the school district where the non-public school is situated.
  2. Students' requirements, as identified through consultations with the Intermediate Unit, non-public school administrators, teachers, students, and parents.
  3. Allocation of financial resources.
  4. Availability of proficient staff, materials, and equipment.

The role of the Allegheny Intermediate Unit (AIU) Non-Public Schools Program is to provide remediation in the areas of reading, math, speech, hearing and vision, and to provide counseling services to participating non-public schools in Allegheny County. Services are provided subject to the limitations of the annual state budget.

The following direct services are provided to eligible students by qualified professional personnel employed by the AlU:

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