Autism Support

Training and technical assistance is available to share research and effective practices in the delivery of services for students with autism spectrum disorder.

These services are subsidized by IDEA Component II Funds.

What is Autism?

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disability that affects how individuals experience the world around them. Autism is a spectrum disorder, meaning that each person has different strengths and support needs.

Autistic individuals span across gender, race, religion, and socio-economic groups. While each person is unique, some areas of commonality may impact learners. These include differences in communication, thinking, sensory processing, socialization, movement, and daily living skills.

Autism Spectrum graphic

Image Credit: Image shared by the I CAN Network, based on art by autistic artist Rebecca Burgess and autistic university student Lucy Wallace.

AIU Autism Services

Contact AIU Autism Training & Consultation Coordinator:

Amanda Zimmer

Marisa Esposto

Training Opportunities:

You can find our training opportunities held at the AIU on the Training & Consultation (TaC) Calendar, TaC Professional Development Offerings 2023-2024 and listed in the Act 48 Workshops.

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