Career Ready Resources

Career Ready Resources graphic

Pennsylvania's economic future depends on having a well-educated and skilled workforce that is prepared to meet the current and projected demands of a global, knowledge-based 21st century economy. Learners across the state will be prepared for meaningful engagement in postsecondary education, in workforce training, in career pathways, and as responsible, involved citizens. Learn more about Career Ready PA.

Pennsylvania's economic future depends on having a well-educated and skilled workforce that is prepared to meet the current and projected demands of a global, knowledge-based 21st century economy. Learners across the state will be prepared for meaningful engagement in postsecondary education, in workforce training, in career pathways, and as responsible, involved citizens. Learn more about Career Ready PA.

Additional Resources

  • Classroom Resources - Links in this document focus on instructional classroom resources that support the Career Education and Work Standards, as well as portfolio evidence for the Career Readiness Indicator.
  • 21st Century Workplace Activities - The links in this document focus on opportunities that connect the classroom to the workplace through work-based learning experiences and resources that support the Industry-Based Learning Indicator.
  • Student Engagement Activities - The resources in this document focus on opportunities inside and outside the classroom that support career cluster pathways (STEM, Business Management & Administration, Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources), as well as portfolio evidence for the Career Readiness Indicator.
  • Post Secondary Pathways for Success - The links in this document focus on post-secondary pathway resources to help educators guide students to success after graduation.


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