K-12 Science Standards

Preparing to Implement PA STEELS K-12 Science Standards

To better prepare the science educators in your school district for implementing the shifts in science instruction entailed in the PA STEELS standards, the AIU's Math & Science Collaborative has constructed possible paths for your district to follow as you shift from “learning about” to “figuring out” as the normative culture in K-12 science classrooms.

K-12 Science Standards flowchart
1. Make the case for moving from "learning about" to "Figuring out" 2. Create a plan for shifts in science teaching & learning 3. Implement the plan for shifts toward phenomenon-based, 3-D science teaching 4. Sustain the implementation of shifts in science teaching & learning

The graphic above provides an overview of the phases your district should follow for a successful implementation of the K-12 science standards within the PA STEELS standards. Below, you will find more details for each of the four phases of science standards implementation. Each tab links to relevant science engagement opportunities for professional learning geared toward that phase. This information is also available as a PDF flowchart. Please contact Dr. Corinne Murawski with any questions.

Phase 1: Make the case

K-12 Science Standards flowchart. Step 1 highlighted.
1. Make the case for moving from "learning about" to "Figuring out" 2. Create a plan for shifts in science teaching & learning 3. Implement the plan for shifts toward phenomenon-based, 3-D science teaching 4. Sustain the implementation of shifts in science teaching & learning

During this first phase of moving towards implementing the PA STEELS K-12 science standards, science educators will become familiar with and experience the shifts entailed in moving from “learning about” to “figuring out” in science classrooms.

Summer 2024

For Administrators

Administrator-Focused Science Professional Learning

This one-and-a-half-day administrator-focused professional learning offering was specifically created to help leaders support shifts in science instruction towards phenomenon-based, 3-D science teaching.

This offering is steeped in both science learning and leadership for science instruction. The experience is based on the Next Generation Science Exemplar System’s Principal’s Learn and Network to Support 3-D Science Learning (PLANS) Pathway. Although this offering is designed specifically for administrators, it is open to any science leaders, including department heads, grade-band science leads and science coaches. (This offering is a prerequisite for a two-day training opportunity in Phase 2: Create a Plan.)

Price: $350
Audience: Any and all administrators (district or building) or science leaders (e.g., department head, coach, grade-level lead) are invited to attend
Summer 2024 Meeting Dates: June 13-14

Half-Day Follow Up to Administrator-Focused Science Professional Learning

You've previously attended the Administrator-focused Science Professional Learning. Are your teachers starting to make some of the needed shifts in their science classrooms? If so, you might want some follow-up. We are offering a three-hour session to share some "look fors" in K-12 science classrooms. These can be used during walk-throughs or informal observations. We'll also share information about how the Danielson Framework (especially Domains II and IV) connects with shifts in science instruction.

Price: Free to AIU Member Districts
Audience: Any and all administrators (district or building) who have previously attended the Administrator-focused Science Professional Learning in June 2023, September 2023, or January 2024
Summer 2024 Meeting Date: June 14, from 12:45 - 3:45 p.m.
Location: Allegheny Intermediate Unit, 475 E. Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA 15120
Tech: Please bring a laptop and/or tablet to access online resources.

Environmental Literacy & Sustainability

Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience for Secondary Teachers

Register now to join us for an exciting day of free learning and fun at Shaler Area High School! This hands-on event is tailored for secondary teachers looking to enhance their knowledge of watershed concepts. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with fellow educators and meet Miranda Crotsley, program coordinator of the Jennings Environmental Education Center, which is part of the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation & Natural Resources.

Price: Free to AIU Member Districts
Meeting Date: Thursday, April 18, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Locations: Meet at Shaler Area High School Library at 381 Wible Run Road; Pittsburgh, PA 15209; and transition to our outdoor setting, which is just a 3-minute drive from the high school.

Technology & Engineering

But what about the T & E in PA STEELS?

Attend a lively and interactive event showcasing the importance of technology and engineering in Pennsylvania

Join us for an in-person event at the Allegheny Intermediate Unit. This event will delve into the often overlooked aspects of PA STEELS -- the technology and engineering standards. Brandt Hutzel, who serves as the Pennsylvania Department of Education's Technology & Engineering Content Advisor, will discuss the STEELS Technology & Engineering Standards, Implementation Supports and Upcoming Assessments. Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights, network with other educators and expand your knowledge. Mark your calendars and be part of this engaging event!

Price: Free to member districts
Date: TBD -- This event was postponed and the rescheduled date has not yet been announced.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Where: Allegheny Intermediate Unit, 475 E. Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA 15120

Science Institutes: Year 1

Attend a free institute for science educators. These three-day science learning experiences align to various grade-levels and science domains. Attendees will develop a shared understanding of phenomenon-based and problem-driven science instruction that effectively incorporates all three dimensions of the standards (disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts). Participants will engage in pedagogical practices that foster reasoning and sense-making in the science classroom and support equity and access for all students. Designed with science teachers in mind, science-supportive administrators are strongly encouraged to attend with staff. Please choose the offering aligned with your teaching role:

*Note: These institutes were previously offered during the 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years. If you have already completed these institutes, see the follow-up institutes under Science Institutes: Year Two, which focus on assessment and pedagogical practices.

K-2 STEM Institute

The content focuses on life science, physical science, Earth and space science and engineering design.

Price: Free to AIU member districts
Audience: K-2 Science, Engineering and STEM teachers
Summer 2024 Meeting Dates: June 25-27

3-5 Science Institute

The content focuses on physical science, life science and Earth and space science.

Price: Free to AIU member districts
Audience: Grades 3-5 Science teachers
Summer 2024 Meeting Dates: June 25-27

Life Sciences Institute for Secondary Teachers

The content focuses on the life sciences in grades 6-12 (with the inclusion of related Earth and space science topics as appropriately connected to the life science content under consideration).

Price: Free to AIU member districts
Audience: Grades 6-12 Life Science teachers
Summer 2024 Meeting Dates: June 19-21

Physical Sciences Institute for Secondary Teachers

The content focuses on the physical sciences in grades 6-12 (with the inclusion of related Earth and space science topics as appropriately connected to the physical science content under consideration).

Price: Free to AIU member districts
Audience: Grades 6-12 Physical Science Teachers
Summer 2024 Meeting Dates: June 19-21

Phase 2: Create a plan

K-12 Science Standards flowchart. Step 2 highlighted.
1. Make the case for moving from "learning about" to "Figuring out" 2. Create a plan for shifts in science teaching & learning 3. Implement the plan for shifts toward phenomenon-based, 3-D science teaching 4. Sustain the implementation of shifts in science teaching & learning

During this second phase, science leaders embark on the planning process for the strategic implementation of phenomenon-based, three-dimensional science instruction in their school or district that is aligned with the K-12 science standards in the PA STEELS standards.

Summer 2024

Please note that some following offerings have important prerequisites for participation.

Planning for Professional Learning around Science Standards: Strategically Building Capacity for Sustained Practice

Designed for a small team of three to six individuals from each school district, this is a two-day training opportunity to plan for science professional learning in your district.

Price: $1,200 per district team
Audience: A district team of three to six science leaders including at least one administrator. See Important Prerequisites.

Important Prerequisites: At least one administrator on your team must have already attended the administrator-specific science leadership experience in Phase 1: Make the Case, and all other team members must have already attended at least one science institute or science immersion experience in the initial phase.

Summer 2024 Meeting Dates: June 19-20, 2024
Location: Allegheny Intermediate Unit, 475 E. Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA 15120

Science Institutes: Year 2

Secondary Sciences Institute: Year 2

Are you ready to learn more about pedagogy and assessment aligned to STEELS? Join us for these new science institutes!

Join us for a newly designed, in-person science professional learning offering from the Math & Science Collaborative at the Allegheny Intermediate Unit! The Year 2 Science Institutes are designed for educators who have already attended one of the three-day Science Institutes (e.g., K-2 STEM Institute, Grades 3-5 Science Institute, Secondary Physical Science Institute, Secondary Life Science Institute). This new professional learning opportunity is perfect for science educators who are ready to dig deeply into the classroom culture, pedagogical practices, and assessment practices aligned to science teaching and learning with the PA STEELS standards. Don't miss out on this free opportunity to learn more about teaching science for the next generation.

Price: Free to AIU member districts; Educators outside AIU: $450
Audience: Any secondary science (middle or high school) educators who previously attended either the Secondary Physical or Life Science Institute from AIU MSC
Summer 2024 Meeting Dates: July 9-11 (optional fourth day offered on July 12)
Allegheny Intermediate Unit, 475 E. Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA 15120

Elementary Sciences Institute: Year 2

Price: Free to AIU member districts; Educators outside AIU: $450
Audience: Any K-5 Science, Engineering, or STEM educators who previously attended either the K-2 STEM Institute or the Grade 3-5 Science Institute from AIU MSC
Summer 2024 Meeting Dates: July 9-11 (optional fourth day offered on July 12)
Location: Allegheny Intermediate Unit, 475 E. Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA 15120

Phase 3: Implement the plan

K-12 Science Standards flowchart. Step 3 highlighted.
1. Make the case for moving from "learning about" to "Figuring out" 2. Create a plan for shifts in science teaching & learning 3. Implement the plan for shifts toward phenomenon-based, 3-D science teaching 4. Sustain the implementation of shifts in science teaching & learning

The following opportunities will be offered in the 2023-24 school year, summer of 2024, and possibly 2024-25 school year:

Guided Review of Potential High Quality Instructional Materials

Designed for teams of four to six individuals who have already completed at least one Phase 1: Make the Case engagement opportunity and preferably have participated as a team in the Phase 2 offering of Planning for Professional Learning around Science Standards: Strategically Building Capacity for Sustained Practice: Work directly with the science coordinators from the Allegheny Intermediate Unit Math & Science Collaborative (AIU MSC) to vet potential High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) for science. Please contact Dr. Corinne Murawski or Kristen Rice directly regarding this opportunity. There may be a fee for this service.

Sharpen Content-Specific Knowledge

Enroll in a 1-2 day streamlined content-specific course to sharpen your knowledge; courses will begin in either Spring 2024 or Summer 2024.

Strategic Communication of Vision

Inform the community of your district’s undertaking during a parent, caregiver, and/or community information session. Work with AIU MSC science coordinators to design and implement strategies for best communicating the district’s vision for shifting towards more “figuring out” in K-12 science classrooms. This will be rolled out in Spring 2024.

Phase 4: Sustain the implementation

K-12 Science Standards flowchart. Step 4 highlighted.
1. Make the case for moving from "learning about" to "Figuring out" 2. Create a plan for shifts in science teaching & learning 3. Implement the plan for shifts toward phenomenon-based, 3-D science teaching 4. Sustain the implementation of shifts in science teaching & learning

The following opportunities will be offered in the 2024-25 school year:

Continue to involve more science educators throughout the district in science professional learning opportunities from the AIU MSC.

As we move into the 2024-25 school year, MSC will continue some of its previous offerings and add new and refined institutes, short-courses and administrator-specific opportunities.

Get support from the Math & Science Collaborative to continue your district’s implementation of the STEELS science standards via your district’s science curricular materials.

Please contact Dr. Corinne Murawski or Kristen Rice directly regarding this opportunity. Depending upon funding, there may be a fee for this service.

As teachers implement the science standards from PA STEELS standards, get support from the Math & Science Collaborative via content-focused science coaching.

Please contact Dr. Corinne Murawski or Kristen Rice directly regarding this opportunity. Depending upon funding, there may be a fee for this service.

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