Fast Facts | Pathfinder School

Want to know more about our special education school? We've got you covered. From our excellent student-to-staff ratio to the numerous programs and services available to our students with special needs, The Pathfinder School has so much to offer. Get a snapshot of our educational offerings below. For more information and to contact us, visit the Pathfinder School main page.

Student working with educator

Quality Education

  • 81 students served
  • 2:1 student-to-staff ratio
  • 26 feeder districts

Staff Breakdown

  • 25 Professionals
  • 17 Paraprofessionals
  • 28 Personal Care Assistants
  • 3.5 Speech-Language Pathologists
  • 4 Occupational/Physical Therapists
  • 2 Nurses
  • 1 Intervention Specialist

Dedicated Programs


  • Multi-Disabilities Support
  • Autistic Support
  • Life Skills
  • PRIDE Program


  • Auto Detailing
  • Food Service
  • Buildings and Grounds
  • Horticulture
  • Clerical

Numerous Specials and Amenities

  • Art
  • Music
  • Home Economics
  • Practical Assessment Exploration System (PAES)
  • Industrial Arts
  • Physical Education/Swimming
  • Sensory Room
  • Heated Pool
  • Computer Lab
  • Weight Room
  • Food Service Area
  • Greenhouse
  • Walking Distance to South Hills Village and Trolley
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