Special Education Liaisons-New Directors Meeting
The New Directors Meetings are a follow up to the morning’s Special Education Liaison Meeting to provide more detailed information and address topics that may be unfamiliar to liaisons new […]
Serving Every Learner
The New Directors Meetings are a follow up to the morning’s Special Education Liaison Meeting to provide more detailed information and address topics that may be unfamiliar to liaisons new […]
*Completion of Volume 1 and 2 course meets PA Structured Literacy Chapter 49 requirements. Developed by renowned literacy experts Dr. Louisa Moats and Dr. Carol Tolman, LETRS® is a […]
aimswebPlus is a tool for teachers and educational teams in MTSS/RTI and special education contexts. aimswebPlus offers nationally-normed, skills-based benchmark assessments and progress monitoring integrated into one application across reading […]
This administrator-focused PL offering was specifically designed to help leaders support shifts in science instruction towards PA STEELSWho: Any and all administrators (district or building) or explicitly defined science leaders […]
This professional learning offering is a follow-up half-day to assist administrators with supporting science teachers' STEELS implementationWho: Any and all administrators (district or building) who have previously attended the Administrator-focused […]
This practice guide presents three evidence-based recommendations for helping students in grades 6–12 develop effective writing skills. Each recommendation includes specific, actionable guidance for educators on implementing practices in their […]
AIU Central Office Safety and Security
Join the RAC Reading Specialists' Network for an opportunity to connect with other reading specialists in Allegheny County. Each hybrid session will feature research-based best practices and strategies that specialists […]
Planning for Professional Learning around Science Standards: Strategically Building Capacity for Sustained PracticeWho: A district team of three to six science leaders including at least one administratorWhen: April 7-8, 2025Where: […]
Please join us for monthly virtual networking opportunities designed to create a robust Professional Learning Community (PLC) around the topic of MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports). Meetings in the 2024-2025 […]
Please join us for monthly virtual networking opportunities designed to create a robust Professional Learning Community (PLC) around the topic of MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports). Meetings in the 2024-2025 […]
AIU Central Office Safety and Security