AIU-Operated Special Education Schools – No School
AIU-Operated Special Education Schools, Mon Valley, Pathfinder and Sunrise are closed today. Professional Development for the Staff.
Serving Every Learner
AIU-Operated Special Education Schools, Mon Valley, Pathfinder and Sunrise are closed today. Professional Development for the Staff.
Join us for a focused professional development session to craft a streamlined Chapter 504 process. Tailored for school district teams which may include 504 administrators, coordinators, and other vested partners, this session covers legal history, eligibility, service agreements, LEA responsibilities, and current trends. Together, we'll design an efficient process for conducting, evaluating, implementing, and progress […]
Play is self-chosen and self-directed; intrinsically motivated; guided by mental rules; imaginative; and conducted in an active, alert, but relatively non-stressed frame of mind. How neurodivergent students play may be different from their neurotypical peers, but it's not wrong and does not need to be fixed. This session will focus on how to find and […]
*This is the ninth session of a 12-part series that requires participants to attend all 12 sessions to receive credit. Learn more
Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) is an evidence-based model of psychosocial treatment originated and developed by Dr. Ross Greene, and described in his books The Explosive Child, Lost at School, Raising Human Beings, and Lost & Found. This session will discuss application of his model across all three tiers of a PBIS framework. Resources and […]
Spring Math is a comprehensive RtI system that includes screening, progress monitoring, class-wide and individual math intervention, and implementation and decision-making support. Assessments are generated within the tool when needed and Spring Math uses student data to customize class-wide and individual intervention plans for students. Spring Math assesses 130 skills in Grades K-8 and remedies […]
This professional development session offers comprehensive training on effective classroom management, focusing on evidence-based practices to reduce supervision issues. Participants will explore the six Evidenced-Based Practices of Classroom Management and learn practical strategies, tips, and procedures to design and implement an effective classroom management plan, fostering positive behavior modifications in students.
2024-2025 AIU Board of Director Meeting Dates All AIU board meetings begin at 6:15 p.m. in the McGuffey Room, with the exception of the November meeting, which begins at 5:30 p.m. All board executive sessions begin at 5 p.m. in the Rogers Room. There are no meetings in July or December. The board will meet […]
*This session is the final day of a multi-day series that requires participants to attend all sessions to receive credit. Learn more
*This session is part two of multi-day series that requires participants to attend all sessions to receive credit. Learn more
Special Education Liaison Meetings are Hybrid. In-person meeting will be held at the Allegheny Intermediate Unit in the Rogers Room. Link to Online Meeting can be found below.
The New Directors Meetings are a follow up to the morning’s Special Education Liaison Meeting to provide more detailed information and address topics that may be unfamiliar to liaisons new in their role. Special Education Liaisons-New Directors Meeting are Hybrid. In-person meeting will be held at the Allegheny Intermediate Unit in the Flexible Instruction Room. […]