Title III Consortium

Title III, part of the No Child Left Behind Act, supports educational services for limited English proficient and immigrant students and their families.  The funds are to be directed to activities that assist English learners develop:

  • English language proficiency in comprehension, listening, speaking, reading and writing.
  • State academic content and student academic achievement standards.

Title III funding is used to offer the following supplemental programs:

  • Supplemental Instruction
  • In-Class Programs
  • Summer Programs
  • Tutoring
  • Professional Development
  • Parent Involvement
  • Materials/Supplies- Students
  • Materials/Supplies- Professional Development
  • Instructional Technology- Hardware
  • Software

2023-24 Consortium Members List

Title III 2023-24 Events Calendar

PDE Documents


Contact Us

For more information about the program and services, please contact:

Dr. Kelly A. Noyes
Program Director of Educational Support Services
K-12 ESL, Non-Public Schools Program, and Federal Programs

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