21st Century Annual Reporting


Please take note of the following reporting considerations!

**Grantees need to make arrangements to complete required reports that are due after their grants end.  Sometimes these reports may not be due for several months to a year after the grant ends.  For example, for a grant that ends on September 30th and where programming occurred in the prior summer or September, the required reports may not be due until the following fall.**

Grantees are responsible for the content, timeliness, and accuracy of their reports, even if they delegate them to someone else.  Work in collaboration with your centers, staff, and/or local evaluator to ensure that you are using and reporting consistent information.

Expenditure Reports follow the fiscal/contract year for your grant.

Annual summative reports (state and federal) and your annual local evaluation report follow the federal program year.  For the program year 2023-24 reporting round, this includes summer 2023 and school year 2023-24.  This means your reports will span more than one contract year.

If you have questions about how to report, please contact the 21st CCLC Evaluation Team.

Annual Summative Reports

Detailed information about reporting requirements can be found in the Pennsylvania 21st CCLC Accountability and Reporting Guide. The Grantee Annual Reporting Summary provides the details, deadlines, and links for federal, state, and local reporting.

State 21CCLC Dashboard

Grantees submit contact information, operations data, and student participation counts to the state via the state 21CCLC Dashboard. For assistance with navigating the dashboard, please refer to this guide or reach out to Falon Weidman.

Federal 21APR Reporting

Grantees complete federal reporting in the 21APR system. For instructions on how to navigate this system, please refer to the Support section upon login. To assist with federal reporting, grantees may use the PA 21CCLC Grantee Evaluation Workbook.


Grantees and local evaluators may contact Sheila Bell, 412-394-5821.

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