City Theatre's Young Playwrights Program Evaluation

Evaluation specialists at the AIU will conduct an evaluation of City Theatre’s Young Playwrights Program as contracted by the Pennsylvania Department of Education via Intermediate Unit 1. The purpose of this evaluation is to examine the program's implementation and identify student, teacher, and program outcomes, as well as to fulfill accountability requirements to funding agencies. On this page, you will find resources and data submission directions that address your implementation of this project, as well as your reflections about the program as a whole.

The program evaluation of City Theatre's Young Playwrights Program is a requirement for teachers/organizations whose participation is being supported through federal grant funds.

Individual participants will not be identified by name or district in program summaries.

  • Download the directions for Classroom Teachers [Coming soon!]
  • Download the directions for Teaching Artists [Coming soon!]

If you have any questions about the evaluation of City Theatre's Young Playwrights Program, or experience difficulty accessing evaluation templates or tools, please contact Falon Weidman, 412-394-1347.

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