PA 21st Century Evaluation Tools and Resources

Grantees can access recorded 21st CCLC evaluation-related webinars at Pennsylvania's 21st Century State Website.

Program Implementation Tools and Resources


Data Safeguarding

**IMPORTANT** Data Safeguarding and Parent Data Permission Forms: While it is important to have such forms in place, it is even more important to actually be following protocols related to student data security. Be sure that your program and your staff are aware of FERPA practices and requirements.

Student Data Tools

Allegheny Intermediate Unit maintains all rights associated with the 21st CCLC Evaluation Handbook and accompanying resources, except those developed and provided by PDE and/or the Center for Schools and Communities. AIU-developed resources are sole property of the AIU and are being provided without warranty at no cost for the benefit of 21st CCLC programs.

Teacher Surveys

Please remember that if you are using the web-based survey and 1) have multiple cohorts of funding or 2) have a grantee name that may be unknown to teachers, you need to tell teachers which grantee and cohort a student belongs to before the teacher(s) completes the survey online.

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